Donate Online

Donating online is easy & secure and offers you a way to simply direct your donation.

Please look carefully at the options below before selecting how you would like to help.

[accordion align=”” numbers=”false” first_one_open=”true”]
[pane title=”Make a General Donation”]

[pane title=”Guardian Angel, Lights of Love & Dining Card”]
Please visit our online store to securely order Guardian Angels, Lights of Love & Dining Cards
[pane title=”Membership”]
At What Level Would You Like To Renew?
$45 - Family
$30 - Individual
$15 - Senior
$10 - Junior
[pane title=”Donate to our Feral Cat Program”]



Contact Details

236 Boardman Street
Middlebury, VT 05753

Adoption Center Hours

Monday - Saturday
Open by Appointment Only